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Emotional Intelligence

“There is always a distance between a boss and the employees. It is just nature’s rule. It’s intimidation, mostly; it’s the awareness that they are not me.”— MICHAEL SCOTT
You can watch any episode from any season of the office and it is clear that Michael Scott lacks significant emotional intelligence.The first aspect that Michael struggles with is emotional Self-awareness. With him being the boss, he acts like he's helping out his employees when in reality he is just trying to help his own good.
“I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me.”
Dwight is seen as the office nerd and is not liked by many of his coworkers. According to emotional intelligence Dwight lacks serious social awareness. He is so focused on his own success within the work place that it is impossible for him to become close to any of his coworkers because he doesn't take the time to invest in any of them. 

Michael Scott Sensitivity Training

The episode of Michael Scotts Sensitivity training is the perfect example on how emotional intelligence is shown in the series. Michael Scott talks to his employees in such a blunt way about such serious topics and expects for people to respect him. Michael struggles with being empathetic towards others. Michael is known to be very aware of his own emotions but doesn't take the time to notice other peoples which can make it difficult and uncomfortable to be with him at times.
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